the urban oasis

cute sprout divider


arrival - 23/07/2024

i'm trying to find a meaning to all of this

but to be fair, these last months...years even, i've changed.

now i'm feeling more hopeful, which could be weird considering the world is going to shit

idk,i just feel good and have wants and hopes for the future, my future at least, for where i'm going, in my personal and my professional life

i'll be thirty in less than a year, and it feels a lil weird but also good to see that i'm doing good, i have good friends, a new career that i enjoy a lot, a nice place to live, two amazing pets and the world to explore

anyhoooo, i just created this website and i'd like to use it as a journal, a place to gather things i like, things i want to do (i'd love to learn hacking)...

i don't really have the time to work on it for now but it's coming, soon i hope

the urban oasis will be styled, updated and i'll bring more content here, it's a promise i make to myself < 3


what now - 24/07/2024

i should probably work on my school project rather than on the newfound interest that is neocities

aesthetic - 27/07/2024

now that i started diving into this other web, personal site world, I wonder what my page would look like. i got some inspo from other sites but there's also a new aesthetic i'd like to adopt bu ti'm not sure how everything fits together

i have seen a lot of sites where each page has a different vibe and i like it but maybe not on my site, i like harmony

i want stg tht mixes my interests: internet, technology, music, cats and bunnies, nature, cities, rainbows, tiktok, books

its a big melting pot

i just watched this video

like the youtuber, i'm a big fan of customizing everything, from my walls, to my computer and my skin obv